How many calories should I eat to lose weight?

How many calories should I eat to lose weight? Normal rate of metabolism of our body is enormously dependent on the number of calories that we consume every day. These calories are derived from the daily diet. Well, nothing other than caloric energy that is needed for us all day. A certain number of calories is essential for the various daily activities of our body system. These activities include normal pulse rate, normal brain function, normal lung function, and of course the rate of metabolism.

The exact number of calories needed for a healthy body varies from person to person. This is basically the minimum amount of calories needed for a person to survive. So, before finding out about "how many calories to lose weight", you should provide basic information on the relationship between the weight loss and total caloric intake.
Ideal calorie intake to lose weight

There are many people who are constantly asking 'How many calories should I eat per day', "how many calories to lose weight per day". Honest answer to that question would be - it depends! On average, a normal person needs to 1000-1400 calories per day for healthy functioning of the body. These caloric needs of the body are also known as basal metabolic rate or BMR.

BMR varies greatly from person to person, because of various individual factors such as age, sex, weight and activity of every person. Apart from that, a person may need an additional 400-600 calories per day. The calculation of all these numbers is the only way to know how to burn calories to lose weight or the required number of calories.

 When you visit a nutritionist with the same query on "number of calories to lose weight," he / she would probably lead physical examination, and then you find the exact number of calories you need to consume for a healthy weight loss. The physical examination includes counting your activity level, current weight and body fat percentage. 

How to Count calories to lose weight?
How many calories should I eat to lose weight.

Step 1
To find out answer to the question "How many calories do I need to lose weight," you have to answer the question “how many calories I burn a day '. First, understand that you need to reduce calories to lose weight. To find out number of calories you need, you must find out your exact BMR or basal metabolic rate, using the Harris-Benedict formula, which is slightly different for men and women. 

  • For men: BMR + 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
  • For women: BMR = 65 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
You can easily calculate your BMR using the following calculator

To Download Free BMR calculator, click here 

How many calories should I eat to lose weight:
Step 2
Once you find out your BMR, then you must also figure out your total daily energy expenditure or TDEE. You will need to multiply the number that represents the type for your lifestyle. The equation of these numbers is as follows:

Degree of movement
Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
Very little or no exercise at all, mostly desk job
TDEE = BMR x 1.2
Something active, exercise 1-3 times per week
TDEE = BMR x 1.375
Moderately active, exercise 3-5 times per week
TDEE = BMR x 1.55
Heavy exercise, sport 6-7 times per week
TDEE = BMR x 1.725
Very heavy exercise, physical work, training twice a day
TDEE = BMR x 1.9

How many calories should I eat to lose weight?
You can easily find how many calories you need by this calculator

Step 3
Once the number of total energy expenditure (TDEE) calculated, then you should be on a realistic number of calories you burn, you can concentrate on losing weight. You should not increase the target of more than 1 to 2 pounds per day. Now as a clear example, if your BMR is 2000 and TDEE is 2400 calories. Now you have a deficit of 500 calories per day. For this you should have regular caloric intake is not more than 1900 calories. So, to answer these questions like - "how many calories should I eat '? Now together with the weight loss diet you have chosen, you must also easy start fat burning exercises like running and jogging, swimming, jumping, running, step aerobics, etc. With this, you will find in any case, the answer to “how many calories to lose weight while exercising.” 

Well, if you want to know the number of daily calories burned without exercise or do you want to keep the same weight, than you currently have, then you should use the number of calories that you encounter in the TDEE calculations. Now I hope that you get the answer for your question "how many calories to lose, weight." If you always have the BMR and TDEE calculations are confused, then it is best to consult a nutritionist and get the answers to the questions! 

How many calories should I eat to lose weight?
You don’t need to count the calories you intake! 

Many health experts say that you do need to count calories to lose weight. Bringing the best way to weight loss, is to eat fat burning food. You don’t have to go on a starvation diet. A balanced diet of fat burning food is easy enough to achieve weight loss. Fruits and vegetables should submit in your diet plan. Foods fortified with protein and fiber will help you lose weight fast. All you have to do is to stop eating junk foods, high fat food, smoking and drinking.

Easy formula: how to calculate calories  you should eat to prevent weight gain?
Formula to calculate the total caloric value 

To calculate exactly how many calories you have to eat per day to lose weight, you can use a simple formula:

Ideal Weight x 24 hours +% activity = Total Calories
To determine your percentage of activity you can use the following table
% Activity
Very Intense

Remember that if you managed to reach your ideal weight or usual, you should follow a well balanced diet, practice exercise regularly to maintain your weight.

 I hope you get the answer to your question is “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?" The concept of BMR and TDEE should be very helpful in the management of calorie intake and weight loss

Now that you've come to the answer to the question of How many calories should I eat to lose weight.? You can now systematically plan to lose weight.
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